When Nagasawa and Watanabe are talking
about the books they like to read or the ones they have read. Watanabe tells
Nagasawa that what he reads is not fashionable, so he tells him: “If you only
read what everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is
When I read this quote I was paralyzed for a few seconds, I had
never thought it this way but it is kind of trued. When something is popular at
a time like books, TV series, music, sports, etc. we kind of channel into that
fashion, and become kind of brained clones. All watching the same, reading the
same, doing the same, THINKING the same (as Nagasawa says).
agree with what Nagasawa tells to Watanabe, though I think it’s okay to do some
things others do, we should also do things not many are doing, even if this is listening
to different music, or reading old fashioned or unknown books.
-A clasp for holding a woman's or girl's
hair in place.
-"She wore a big, brown
-Freedom from the demands of work or duty.
- Time you take off to do your hobbies.
-"All the leisure spots were
-Flexible tube for conveying a liquid, as
water, to a desired point.
- Plastic tube used to conduct water to a
specific point.
-"He led a rubble hose from the
exhaust pipe of his N-360 to a window"
-To increase the revolutions per minute of
(an engine, motor, etc
- To accelerate or intensify something.
-"taped over the gap in the window
and revved the engine".
all the first definitions of these vocabulary words were retrieved from thefreedictionary.com
or dictionary.reference.com.